Reclaiming the Republic
The focus of this site is to serve as an organization point for Constitutional Warriors and concerned citizens to coalesce and establish ground efforts within their area and State to move their State legislators to audit the Constitution and call upon their fellow States to convene a convention for Republic Review.
There is no greater issue facing our Republic today than Federal Tyranny. If we work together we can save our individual liberties and sovereignty, the sovereignty for each State and the Republic (all the States collectively), and most importantly save our Constitution!
The States must take back the roles, responsibilities, and powers that were reserved to them and were not expressly delegated to the general government. The process to do this is simple. It only takes one State to initiate an audit and then call upon their fellow States to join in a convention (i.e. process) to audit the Constitution, which we refer to as Republic Review.
As a note: Please remember that the word "convention" not only means a meeting of delegates. In context to this usage and in reference to Republic Review, "convention" is specifically referring to a process or methodology. We have been asked to use a different word here by many whom we work with because of people and organizations that feel they have been anointed to control what words are acceptable, and have been creating a hypersensitive application to this particular "C" word like the progressives who have done the same with another "C" word... "conspiracy".
Some would have you believe that this is a secret code to an Article V Convention. Don’t let these thought bullies tell you what we are stating, we simply ask that you read both sets of bullets below and then ask these thought bullies how the convention of Republic Review defined below is either secret code or such a path.
The Irrefutable Argument for Republic Review - In Bullet Format
- In accordance with Article Seven of the Constitution, the Constitution is a compact written “for” and “by” the States
- The legal definition of “ratification” is: “the action of signing or giving formal consent to a treaty, compact, contract, or agreement, making it officially valid”
- For the compact to be given force it required a threshold of “Shareholders” to buy-into the compact (State’s); thus, making the States the only parties to the compact
- This is why Madison, Jefferson, and the framers consistently referred to the Constitution as a compact, contract, or instrument
- In accordance with Article Seven and Article Five of the Constitution, the States are THE principal Shareholders of this compact. Consequently, ONLY the States possess SOVEREIGNTY over the compact; thus:
- Only the States could ratify the Constitution
- Only the States possess the authority to ratify amendments
- Conversely, the Constitution does not grant the authority to the Supreme Court, the President, or Congress to ratify the Constitution or the authority to Amendment to the Constitution; therefore they are not PRINCIPAL Parties to this compact
- In accordance with the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, the States are the SOVEREIGNS who possess Supremacy over all things not delegated to the general (i.e. Federal) government within the compact and possess the full authority of oversight over their compact
- The general government supremacy is limited to ONLY those objects/powers delegated by the States within the Compact to the general government, ratified amendments to the Constitution and constitutionally ratified Treaties (See Article Six Section Two and the Ratification Debates)
- The general governments treaty authority is limited to the enumerated powers
- For example, is the States have not formally delegated the power to the general government to regulate environmental matters, the general government cannot enter into treaties over environmental matters
- Accordingly, the States delegated specific, defined and limited ROLES, RESPONSIBILITIES, AND POWERS (RRPs) within the compact (i.e. Constitution) to the general government and the general government is constrained per the compact from doing ANYTHING that was not specifically delegated to it within the compact (See Article Six Section Two, and the Ninth and Tenth Amendments)
- The only way the general government can constitutionally obtain a new RRP is by requesting that the States delegate the desired RRP to them (the general government) via an Amendment to the Constitution in accordance with the mode identified within the Constitution (i.e. the amendment process).
- The “General Defense and Welfare,” “Commerce,” “Necessary and Proper,” and “Supremacy” clauses are not ambiguous portals for the general government to assume new RRP’s. These clauses only apply to the RRPs enumerated in the Constitution and Amendments to the Constitution that have been ratified and Treaties constitutionally ratified by two thirds of the Senate (See Article Six, The Ratification Debates, Madison’s Veto of the 1817 Bonus Bill, and Federalist Papers)
- This is why when the general government needed to make a minuscule change to the electoral college in how they are to choose the President, they adhered strictly to the Constitutional process and amended the Constitution instead of using statutes, regulations, or laws to govern this process (see the Twelfth Amendment
- This is also why the States who sought to reign in the Supreme Courts jurisdictions demanded the Eleventh Amendment
- Politicians, Jurists, Lawyers, Officers, officials, professors, and persons claiming profound understanding of the Constitution within and outside of the general government since 1791 have used lies, deceit, and collusion to convince the States and their citizens to allow the general government the unconstitutional ability to assume unconstitutional RRPs without following the codified (i.e. systematic) process within the Constitution (See The Ratification Debates and James Madison’s Veto of the 1817 Bonus Bill, James Monroe’s May 4, 1822 Veto of "An act for the preservation and repair of the Cumberland road," and Andrew Jackson’s May 27, 1830 Veto of the Infrastructure Development Bill)
- Therefore, all RRP’s being exercised that cannot be found within the Constitution and the ratified Amendments are blatant violations of the Constitution and usurpations of States’ RRPs and sovereignty (See Ratification Debates, Madison’s Veto of the Bonus Bill, and the Federalist Papers)
- For almost two centuries the general government and public servants at all levels have failed to comply with the Constitution as ratified and now our Republic is in grave peril due to these usurpations.
- Inherent within contract law is the ability of the principal Shareholders of a compact to audit their compact for compliance and enforcement
- Therefore, only the States possess the authority to – and MUST - validate all RRP’s being exercised by the general government to confirm that all RRPs that have been established since the 1789 ratification of the Constitution, were properly delegated by the States by adhering to the Constitutional Amendment process (See the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions of 1798)
- This MUST be done in a formal audit process.
- Only the original three Executive Departments (i.e. State, Treasury, and Defense) and the general accounting office were defined by the framers as necessary and proper within the enumerated RRPs when the general government was established; consequently, all other RRPs would require an Amendment to the Constitution to be a valid RRP.
- If there is no Amendment for the RRP being exercised (i.e. Department, Agency, Office, or administrative entity) then these RRPs and entities are unconstitutional and direct violations of the compact
- To ensure that this audit has the full force of the Republic, a simple majority of States that provide a majority of representation in both houses of Congress must coalesce and work together exercising their authority as “the principal Parties of the compact” to rebuke the general government and use the “necessary measures” of political force within the Constitution to gain compliance with their compact by the general government
- It is preferred that all States in the Republic participate in Republic Review and it is anticipated that over 30 States will join in Republic Review, but currently only 27 States are necessary to obtain Representative control in Congress to exert the necessary political force (See Article IV and the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution)
- The States participating in Republic Review will provide clear directives to the general government requiring that they produce the necessary legislative measures to disband and dissolve all unconstitutional RRP’s one at time
- Applying to Congress in accordance with Article Five of the Constitution to convene a Convention to amend the Constitution (See Article Five, the Ratification Debates, and the Republic Review Process Model); thus, the States are asserting their authority as “The Principle Shareholders” over their Constitution.
- This is why ALL States seeking to participate in the Republic Review process who possess an active Article V petition calling for a Constitutional Convention, must formally rescind this petition, to send a clear message that they are seeking and asserting their Constitutional authority over the compact to obtain full compliance to their compact and not seeking any changes to the Constitution.
- Consequently, the unified Republic, while conducting Republic Review, will not possess the Constitutional powers to amend the Constitution in any way.
- Republic Review is simply exercising their authority individually and collectively to validate and demand compliance to their Constitution (See Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 and 1799 and the Ratification Debates, Madison’s Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 and Madison’s Notes on Nullification of 1834)
- Furthermore, this audit by the Republic for Republic Review does not require Congress to appoint a place or time to conduct the audit and Republic Review process
- Republic Review is what Madison and Jefferson attempted to accomplish with interposition in 1798 through their Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts and as further explained by James Madison in his Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 and his Notes on Nullification of 1834
- Jefferson first audited the Constitution in the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798
- Madison called for the State to fulfill their duty to protect their State and citizen from despotic government calling on the other States “that the necessary and proper measures will be taken by each, for co-operating with this state, in maintaining the Authorities, Rights, and Liberties, referred the States respectively, or to the people.” (See Virginia Resolution of 1798 and James Madison, Report on the Virginia Resolutions 1800 and Madison’s Notes on Nullification of 1834)
- Their fellow States failed to fulfill their obligation of oversight over their compact/contract which is why Madison and Jefferson were not successful in conducting Republic Review and why Jefferson lamented in the Kentucky Resolution of 1799 and Madison defended the legal and Constitutionality of their Resolutions in his Report on the Virginia Resolutions of 1800 and his Notes on Nullification of 1834
- The first and obvious action was the audit and to get organized followed by Madison’s call for interposition of these Act’s and not nullification
- In harmony with Madison and Jefferson’s actions the audit only requires one State to initiate and call for Republic Review (See Republic Review Process Model)
- The requirement for a full review with ALL States in the process is to verify
- ALL amendments that have been ratified have been done so Constitutionally by each of the States
- ANY judicial ruling that has been construed as law must identify each of those laws as unconstitutional
- ANY executive order that creates and or enforces a law that is not in pursuance to the Constitution and not congruent with laws made by Congress is not a law and must be revoked
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The Model For Republic Review - In Bullet Format
Explaining the Flow Chart for Republic Review in Bullet Format
- Definitizing the Constitution: the INITIAL GOAL,
- The next goal is obtaining a majority of State Legislators in both Houses (except Nebraska) of the first State to call for the Republic Review process, acknowledging the requirement to initiate the audit portion of the Republic Review process.
- To do this we must:
- Target ALL conservative or dark red State Legislators to learn the founding principles of republicanism and the separation of powers between the States and the general (i.e. Federal) government through the irrefutable argument for Republic Review Presentation and bullet points
- Once State Legislators understand the premise of the audit they also need to learn what and why Madison and Jefferson attempted to conduct Republic Review in 1798, which will then help them realize and actualize their role, authority, and power of corrective oversight over the Constitution.
- As they do, the leading legislators championing Republic Review in each legislative body will begin working on draft Resolutions to call for an audit of the Constitution against the general government.
- They will also create a Resolution calling upon sibling States to join them in the audit to conduct Republic Review.
- These Resolutions should be inclusive of all identified unconstitutional RRPs.
- Once a comprehensive resolution with all violations has been passed by both houses, this resolution will be promulgated to fellow States that would be receptive to fulfilling their obligation of preserving the Constitution and Republic. Focusing on Red States or those States with a desire to enforce the Constitution is done first to allow momentum to develop.
- Proponents for auditing the Constitution and calling for Republic Review in each of the Legislative bodies must build a coalition within their States’ bicameral Legislative bodies to obtain a majority to pass legislation to conduct the audit and call for Republic Review.
- Those running for office must build a coalition and slate to build a State-wide campaign of the true leaders willing to do the job….
- We must also work with the grassroots organizations in the State.
- If necessary these Legislators will need to work with State and County Parties (i.e. Constitution, GOP, or Libertarian Parties), central committees and Grassroots organizations and set up Constitutional Committees of Correspondence and a PAC in each State dedicated to demanding compliance to the Constitution to apply pressure on other legislative districts to get their fellow Legislators to fulfill their oath and do their job in protecting their citizens from Federal tyranny or have these organizations work in replacing this Legislator with one who will fulfill their oath of office.
- Once a single State obtains a majority of support within the two Legislative bodies, they must:
- Finalize a State Resolution and pass a single concise and succinct Final Resolution, Call for an emergency SESSION to call for their State to Audit the Constitution and call other states to join in the audit and Republic Review process.
- Pass necessary administrative measures to:
- Call for an emergency SESSION (a perpetual session if necessary)
- Initiate the audit process.
- Research and identify all Federal offices, agencies, bureaus, centers, commissions, councils, administrations, services, and Departments (i.e. every entity operated and funded by the general government).
- Also audit all rulings by the Supreme Court to verify jurisdiction and to verify that the Court did not violate the separation of powers, such as legislation or enforcement of new laws.
- Also initiate an audit of all Executive Orders by the President of the United States to ensure that the Orders did not violate separation of powers.
- Also initiate an audit of all treaties to verify that they were passed by two-thirds of the Senate, or the treaty is null and of no force.
- Also initiate an audit to verify that all Amendments that the State’s have ratified since its establishment were done in full fidelity to the U.S. Constitution and the State’s Constitution.
- Initiate these full audits within the States’ Legislative bodies either by committee and then the body of the whole, or by the body of the whole.
- Simultaneous to the initiation of the audit, this State must:
- Initiate and build coalitions with other States and Constitution-supporting legislators.
- Start drafting a Resolution to call upon ALL States in the Republic to coalesce with them to conduct Republic Review (similar to the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions) and take the necessary measure to obtain full compliance to their Constitution.
Note: In order to send a clear message of Constitution enforcement, the following step is highly recommended that any and all States joining in the audit for Republic Review withdraw or rescind their application for an Article V Convention. They can always reapply; there is no quota or expiration to these applications.
- If a State is passing a Resolution to join in the Audit and/or Republic Review which possesses an active petition to Congress for an Article V Convention, then the legislators should also pass a Resolution or Bill rescinding this application from Congress.
- The initial State that commences the audit sets the decorum for the Republic Review process.
- It is important that the first State initiating Republic Review establish the decorum for new States to join by requiring them to rescind their application for an Article Five Convention prior to joining.
- Once States start committing and joining into the Republic Review process, the States need to begin establishing a “Research Committee” to verify every RRP is either in compliance with the Constitution or a violation of the Constitution and more importantly to identify the value of materials and holdings held by each unconstitutional RRP for disposition purposes.
- For an RRP to be in compliance it must be congruent and in pursuance to one of the few enumerated powers within the Constitution or its ratified Amendment or it is an unconstitutional RRP.
- Confirm that the only authorized process within the Constitution for the general government to assume any new RRP is through the Constitutional amendment process, ensuring that the States did not formally ratify a Constitutional Amendment authorizing an alternate process allowing for the Supreme Court, the President, or Congress to amend the Constitution exclusively, to simply to assume new RRPs by allowing the general government or any or all branches thereof to bypass the Article Five process without the States formally granting authority for any new RRP.
- If the Constitutional amendment process in Article V is still the only valid formal process, then:
- For reference purposes to move forward, provide Presidents James Madison, James Monroe, and Andrew Jackson’s vetoes of Congresses attempts to create the footings for the Department of Transportation as evidence that the Supremacy, Necessary and Proper, Commerce, and General Defense and Welfare Clauses are not portals for the general government to assume new RRPs through indirect implication
- Establish a list of all Federal offices, agencies, bureaus, centers, commissions, councils, administrations, services, and Departments (i.e. every entity operated and funded by the general government).
- Create a list of all Constitutionally authorized RRPs within the Constitution and ratified amendments.
- Begin listing ALL unconstitutional Roles, Responsibilities, and Powers (RRPs).
- Ensure that the Constitutional amendment process was either followed or violated in the creation, forming, or establishing each new RRP since 1791 (after the establishment of the Treasury, State, and War (Defense) Departments and the General Accounting Office).
- Obtain official and formal confirmation from Congress as to whether each RRP is in compliance or violates the Constitution because the Constitutional amendment process was not followed.
- Did Congress forward an Amendment for ratification by the State for the RRP and receive formal ratification documentation from the requisite required States?
- Did the States properly ratify the RRP by the codified process of each State?
- This is an important issue, because there is evidence that the Fourteenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth amendments were not properly ratified; consequently every amendment since the 12th Amendment must be verified as a part of the “Audit.”
- Each State will have to confirm the veracity of each ratification in compliance to the States’ and the United States’ Constitutions at the time of ratification.
- If not, the general government usurped the RRPs in question and they are in violation to the Constitution.
- All RRP’s that are violations to the Constitution are moved forward to the RRP Disposition phase of Republic Review.
Note: It is expected that the general government and federal employees will be hostile to the process; so their stonewalling will be expected. Thus, giving them short suspense durations to respond and no answer will be considered an affirmation of the violation.
- As new States join in the audit and Republic Review process:
- Each must begin establishing secure communications, networking, and architecture for an online collaborative environment that is designed with full availability and redundancy.
- Each State must be able to function as an island and as well as a part of the whole online Republic ensuring full redundancy and synchronization and merging of information – maintaining full configuration management of all data within each State.
- Each State joining Republic Review must continue to research and verify compliance and violations to ensure full integrity of all work by each State; ACCURACY IS PARAMOUNT.
- Once 13 States have joined Republic Review, then the States will organize the process.
- Each of these States have resolved and committed to NOT REVIEW OR RATIFY ANY AMENDMENTS until the general government is within compliance to the Constitution is on a fixed schedule.
- 13 States is the threshold that will block the ability for any amendment to be ratified until the completion of Republic Review.
- This will keep the general government from being able to validate any unconstitutional RRP by finally following the amendment process.
- This will also completely negate any efforts by those trying to convene an Article V Convention. The funding for this must be paid for by the States; thus, any money being spent would be a complete waste of States’ valuable resources.
- Once each State has verified the legal ratification of Amendments and confirmed Constitutional violations for illegally ratified Amendments and RRP’s in the RRP Disposition stage, the body of the whole (all States) will begin a joint formal review of each RRP.
- Formally set up three committees amongst the coalesced Republic
- The Research Committee (this committee was set up in each independent State prior to this Stage).
- The Dissolvent and Decommission Committee
- The Amendment Recommendation Committee
- Each RRP must be assessed as to its value, cost, scope, and function both in a historic and current context to the Republic.
- In the Research Committee, each RRP is reviewed -for the data and resources this RRP possesses, and will provide recommendations for the disposition of all data and resources; this will include data for later researching criminal behavior and activities to ensure justice will be upheld for ALL crimes and will be forwarded to the Dissolvent and Decommission Committee.
- Continuation of obtaining additional States to create “political” critical mass and force
- Political critical mass is obtained when the States involved in Republic Review constitute a majority in both the House and the Senate. Currently that would be the following 27 States:
- WY, SD, ID, UT, AR, OK, TN, AL, MO, KS, IN, OH, WI, SC, ND, MI, KN, FL, LA, WV, GA, MT, AL, TX, NC, PA, and IA
- The reason a majority in both houses is required to support Republic Review is to ensure enough of Congress will cooperate when forced with the Republic Review process because only a simple majority is required to pass the required legislation.
- It is anticipated that some members in Congress from these States will not cooperate with the States’ intent to obtain compliance to the Constitution until the States have the Constitutional leverage to apply enough political pressure on their representatives in both houses of Congress. The Constitutional pressures available to the States to force compliance are:
- Article IV Section 2 subsection 2
- Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment
- The RRP Disposition Process,
- Every RRP with a minimum of 13 States demanding Dissolvent and or Decommission of the unconstitutional RRP and that the RRP be returned to the States and the Republic will be sent to the Dissolvent and Decommission Committee. This process is performed by the entire body of the whole.
- Every RRP with a minimum of 38 States participating in the Republic Review process that desire the unconstitutional RRP be retained then the RRP will then be forwarded to the Amendment Recommendation Committee.
- This implies that 38 States will be participating in Republic Review.
- However, with the current threshold of 27 State being necessary to dismantle all unconstitutional RRP’s – getting 38 States involved is not needed or anticipated.
- This committee uses the aforementioned assessment by the Research Committee to determine if each RRP possesses personnel, resources, content, schedules, and budget of value.
- RRPs with enough significant deemed value will be decommissioned with a fixed resource-loaded schedule and budget requirements will be communicated to Congress in Directives from the Republic requiring Congress to promulgate specific Directives in decommissioning each of the RRPs along with the required transition of resources to be moved to the States.
- Start with the below…
- RRPs that are identified as useless (such as Education) will be Dissolved within a specific established timeline and ALL data and resources required for retention purposes will be identified – along with an assertion that any actions to destroy, remove, or obscure any evidence in any form and in any way will include ALL people involved who will be charged with treason and punished with the full extent of the law.
- Congressional Resolutions must include the assertion that the creation, formation, and establishment of each RRP within the Directive were created as a strict violation to the Constitution failing to get the States’ authorization. In the Ratification process of the Constitution it was clearly asserted by the delegates explaining the Constitution that the States must delegate each RRP to the general government. Consequently, as deemed by the Republic and in accordance to the Constitution for the United States, which is the Supreme Law of the Land, each of the RRPs that are identified as violations must be dissolved and or decommissioned per the prescribed schedule provided by the Republic Review coalition of States.
- The Amendment Recommendation Committee
- If by remote chance that 38 States join the Republic Review process and by even a more remote chance that 38 States would desire to retain any of the unconstitutional RRPs (such as the Veterans Affairs), the committee will provide the sitting Congress guidelines and parameters to help them efficiently and effectively author an Amendment to the Constitution with a short sunset provision (no more than two years).
- In the case that there are not 38 States and for some reason the committee asserts that the Veterans Affairs is within the enumerated powers, the Department must still be dissolved and this RRP must be placed under the Department of Defense; they are the ones who bear the responsibility, not a new bureaucracy.
- TO BE CLEAR, the Amendment process is outside the Republic Review Process.
- Consequently, all Amendment recommendations forwarded to Congress will remain unresolved until the completion of Republic Review process, and the subject RRP will be given a specific timetable to sunset the RRP at the completion of Republic Review to allow for the States to ratify the Amendment or not.
- AGAIN, the focus and commitment of Republic Review is obtaining full compliance to the Constitution from the general government before any Amendment is ratified.
- If an RRP is that essential, the RRP can be restored after it has completely been dissolved; thus the RRP must be acting within the formal authorization or not at all.
- If by even a more remote chance, Congress fails or refuses to author an Amendment requested by the 38 States and if these States truly desire the recommended amendment, then each of these 38 States could then apply individually for an Article Five convention to amend the Constitution AFTER THE COMPLETION OF REPUBLIC REVIEW AND THE COALITION HAS BEEN RETIRED. This is because all States working in the Republic Review process have already withdrawn their application to Congress for an Article V Convention to join the Republic Review process as mentioned in bullet point 2.
- It must be noted that:
- Congress’s failure (each Representative and Senator) to follow the recommendations from Republic Review who are not representatives of those States in the Republic Review process would be a detriment to each member’s career. The constituents of these Representatives and Senators will learn what is Constitutional and what is not and expose these representatives as public servants who openly support rebellion against the Constitution and these States along with ALL States should be enacting laws that will enforce Section 3 of the Fourteenth Amendment to ensure we NEVER have public servants at any level violate their oath of office.
- It is unfathomable how Congress would not act to retain a RRP – rather than see this RRP move to the Dissolvent and Decommission Committee within Republic Review.
- The States’ path for Amending the Constitution within the Amendment process, which is depicted in this section, is NOT a recommendation by any means. Because it is a prescribed alternative within the Constitution and until this is removed by an Amendment it must be included as a Constitutional path for amending the Constitution. It would be disingenuous for an academic process not to include all existing processes.
- That said, as one fathoms both the technology and contractual authority the States possess over the Constitution, it is very realistic that the Article V Convention can be removed from the Constitution in congruence to Madison’s view of the dangers of Conventions in making modifications to the Constitution–regardless of how those seeking the changes attempt to justify the need of a Convention. The dangers will always outweigh the need.
- In the amendment process, there is a chance that once the Amendment is promulgated by Congress to the States for Ratification a State election may change the makeup of a particular State’s paradigm where the Amendment may not get ratified. If these Amendments are not ratified within two years the Amendment will expire and the associated RRP will already be decommissioned or scheduled to be decommissioned per the sunset clause in the Amendment recommendation.
- Adjournment Process
- This is an administrative process for the States to perform and document all “Lessons Learned”
- It must be noted that:
- This process is where States will finally have the conversation that Hamilton and Madison referred to – that the States must create barriers to guard against general government encroachments again.
- These barriers may result in Amendment recommendations to the Constitution or common internal processes to the States or even Amendments to the States’ Constitutions. To obtain these Amendments the States will need to engage in a Constitutional education campaign to help the electorate to once again understand the Constitution and what things may be necessary to improve our self-government and
- The States must also create an Intelligence Oversight process to ensure that a “Snowden” event will never again happen!
- States will also independently need to determine what changes within the States will be required in addressing the resulting changes from having their powers restored from Republic Review.
The Model is a graphic depiction in the form of a line and block chart or a flow chart. This chart is available at the text link below:
The Model
[ Back to top ]The Bullets To How To Kick Start Republic Review
This is coming - the delay is because we are actually working on kick starting this right now for 2019...
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What more do you need to get involved?
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